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121 Search Results Found
1 Forum: Marketplace «» Posted on: Fri, 12 June 2020 12:15 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: McDP: like expdp/impdp Data Pump programs and much more
… DESCRIBE command The DESCRIBE command is another way to get information about a Data Pump job. The syntaxes of this command are: McDP [<logon>] { -desc | --describe } [<schema>.]<dp job> [[-opt] <display/trace option>] …
2 Forum: Forms «» Posted on: Sat, 13 August 2022 03:29 «» By: sasipalarivattom
Re: Files generated on server with sufix
…report in URL like http://WIN-SERV:9002/reports/rwservlet?server=rep_server1&report=test.rdf&destype=file&desformat=html&userid=scott/ti ger@orcl&desname=c:\rep1.html is it also appending something to the output file…
3 Forum: Forms «» Posted on: Mon, 17 June 2019 10:44 «» By: alhakimy
Re: How make imp button
…want 1- drop user 2- create user 3-grant dba to user 4- imp file.dmp I used this code in 6i but now with 10g did not work forms_ddl('conn system/manager'); forms_ddl('drop user scott cascade'); forms_ddl('create user scott identified by …
4 Forum: JDeveloper, Java & XML «» Posted on: Mon, 19 February 2018 18:05 «» By: BlackSwan
Re: Using IDE Database Connections in Java code
…is a working example of how to use Java to query Oracle DB bcm@bcm-laptop:~$ cat import java.sql.*; class Conn { public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception { Class.forName ("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"); …
5 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Thu, 29 December 2016 18:17 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: SQL Loader double quotes in clob data (3 threads from 2 sub-forums merged by bb)
…double quotes are not a problem. The carriage returns do present a problem. You need to have some way to tell where the record ends, such as a record delimiter or something at the beginning or end of each row that tells if to continue or concatenating…
6 Forum: Marketplace «» Posted on: Mon, 22 August 2016 10:14 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: McDP: like expdp/impdp Data Pump programs and much more
… DDL command In the same vein than the previous command, CONTENT, McDP allows you to get the DDL of all or part of a database, with the transformation you want, using the DDL command. Its syntax is: McDP [<logon>] { -ddl | --ddl } [<…
7 Forum: Marketplace «» Posted on: Mon, 22 August 2016 10:13 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: McDP: like expdp/impdp Data Pump programs and much more
… CONTENT command Now I want to know what's inside the dump, more I want the DDL, more I want not all but some of these DDL and I want to apply some transformation on them. This is possible with McDP using the CONTENT command. Its syntax is: McDP…
8 Forum: Marketplace «» Posted on: Mon, 22 August 2016 10:13 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: McDP: like expdp/impdp Data Pump programs and much more
… CONTINUE/RESTART commands Now that we saw how to stop a job, can we restart it? Yes, using the RESTART or CONTINUE command. Its syntax is: McDP [<logon>] { -r | --restart | --continue } [<schema>.]<dp job> [<service name>…
9 Forum: JDeveloper, Java & XML «» Posted on: Wed, 25 May 2016 10:49 «» By: tolupuluri
Re: Need to insert data from XML file into Oracle Table (very urgent)
…Hi, this approach is working fine. But, when I create the XML table using: CREATE TABLE test_xml OF XMLTYPE XMLTYPE STORE AS SECUREFILE BINARY XML; And try to isnert the data like this: INSERT INTO test_xml VALUES( xmltype(bfilename('TESTING…
10 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Tue, 07 October 2014 14:13 «» By: BlackSwan
Re: Tablespace and Schema info from dumpfile
…or incapable to just Read The Fine Manual? [oracle@localhost ~]$ impdp help=yes Import: Release - Production on Tue Oct 7 12:12:08 2014 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, …
11 Forum: Reports & Discoverer «» Posted on: Mon, 24 March 2014 05:27 «» By: pre_ora
Reports location or path
…t=D:\dummy_folder\reports-files\test.rdf&userid=scott/tiger@something &desformat=html&destype=cache but Our senior recommends that report should run using only name of report...i.e; http://machine:port/reports/rwservlet?server=sernm&…
12 Forum: Reports & Discoverer «» Posted on: Fri, 25 October 2013 18:24 «» By: suj_it
Re: How to Hide Username and Password in WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT
…=RptSvr_app01_dvlp&destype=cache&desformat=pdf&report=audit_counts.rep&userid=scott/tiger@rwdvlp&end_date=25-OCT-2013&start_date=01-OCT-2013&p_auditor=ALL&p_hub=1099 I have not tried the cookie method suggested by dllinf…
13 Forum: JDeveloper, Java & XML «» Posted on: Thu, 19 September 2013 14:04 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: XML issue
…looks like you figured it out while I was posting. I corrected a couple of mis-matched column names for the abc table, then put it all together below. SCOTT@orcl12c> -- test data: SCOTT@orcl12c> COLUMN pat_mrn FORMAT A7 SCOTT@orcl12c>…
14 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Thu, 15 August 2013 12:07 «» By: BlackSwan
Re: Error using parfile
…help=yes does NOT show CONSISTENT as be a valid option what happens if you remove it from the control file. [oracle@localhost ~]$ expdp help=yes Export: Release - Production on Thu Aug 15 10:05:38 2013 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, …
15 Forum: Reports & Discoverer «» Posted on: Mon, 01 July 2013 03:56 «» By: samir2012
Re: How to Hide Username and Password in WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT
…ervlet?'; v_connect VARCHAR2 (200) := 'userid=scott/tiger@test1'; v_report_server VARCHAR2 (50) := 'rep_tbanner'; v_report_name VARCHAR2(100) := '/u01/banner/inb/TEST/reports/rdf/GSTEST.rdf'; v_format VARCHAR2(12) := '…
16 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Mon, 16 July 2012 19:18 «» By:
Re: Export Multiple tables only
…use the following to export files from 9i one at a time from either Unix or Windows. You can modify the script to also create the imports as well. SCOTT > @cr8_exports_by_TABLE_NAME_on_Unix.sql exp userid=myschema_login/myschema_password file=…
17 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Sun, 15 April 2012 11:39 «» By: BlackSwan
Re: Increasing parallel process in impdp in runtime
… bcm@bcm-laptop:~$ impdp help=yes Import: Release - Production on Sun Apr 15 09:37:52 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. The Data Pump Import utility provides a mechanism for …
18 Forum: Programming Interfaces «» Posted on: Mon, 19 March 2012 12:48 «» By: BlackSwan
Re: JDBC Connection problem on Windows 2008 R2
… bcm@bcm-laptop:~$ cat import java.sql.*; class Conn { public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception { Class.forName ("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("…
19 Forum: Reports & Discoverer «» Posted on: Tue, 31 January 2012 07:02 «» By: Littlefoot
Re: Error message when passing the report parameter from command line
… following example? rwrun report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb desformat=pdf DESTYPE=mail DESNAME=","cc=""bcc="" replyto="" from="…
20 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Thu, 02 June 2011 10:29 «» By: ramoradba
Re: move objects from one database to another
…it is to move into another schema or database Oracle will handle the case. SQL> host exp help=y Export: Release - Production on Thu Jun 2 20:56:59 2011 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved…
21 Forum: Backup & Recovery «» Posted on: Wed, 16 February 2011 10:16 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: TO Make A Copy Of Oracle DB in Local PC
…C:\>exp help=y Export: Release - Production on Mer. FÚvr. 16 17:15:54 2011 Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. You can let Export prompt you for parameters by entering the EXP command followed by your …
22 Forum: Reports & Discoverer «» Posted on: Fri, 15 October 2010 05:32 «» By: rajesh4851
Re: How to call oracle reports inside a stored procedure.
…le: http://pscm9722:7778/reports/rwservlet?USERID=SCOTT/tiger@orcl+server=rep_pscm9722+paramform=no+P_BONDTYPENAME=COMMERCIAL+P_BEGYR=200 8+P_ENDYR=2010+P_RUNDATE=09/01/2010+destype=file+desname=c:\ORA10G\Commercial06.PDF+desformat=PDF+PARAMFORM=no+…
23 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Thu, 20 May 2010 21:28 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: SQL loader question
…are four things that you need to deal with: your record terminator, your enclosure characters, your field terminators, and trimming any extra characters that cannot be identified as enclosure or terminator characters. Your record terminator is "…
24 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Wed, 28 April 2010 04:55 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: Imp db oracle
…C:\>imp help=y Import: Release - Production on Wed Apr 28 11:54:48 2010 Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. You can let Import prompt you for parameters by entering the IMP command followed by your username/…
25 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Mon, 04 January 2010 08:14 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: import from split
…No. Here's the syntax of import: C:\>imp help=y Import: Release - Production on Lun. Janv. 4 13:16:16 2010 Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. You can let Import prompt you for parameters by entering the …
26 Forum: Weblogic & Application Server «» Posted on: Mon, 07 December 2009 01:59 «» By: annu-agi
Re: developer 6i forms & reports on oracle SOA suite
…vlet?report='||:global.RepPath||'emp.rdf&userid=scott/tiger@xe&destype=cache&desformat=html&paramform=no'; WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT(vc_url1,'_blank'); END; any idea what i am doing mistake. any help would be appricaitable …
27 Forum: Forms «» Posted on: Wed, 30 September 2009 09:57 «» By: sam_kota
call oracle 9i report from oracle report9i using hyperlink
…ttp://4fbb3fdbe54c446:8888/reports/rwservlet?userid=SCOTT/TIGER@orcl&server=repserver90&report=c:\oraproj\dept_mas&desty pe=CACHE&desformat=htmlcss) I am calling one more report(details report/ drill down report) ie emp_sum from above …
28 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Sun, 07 June 2009 08:15 «» By: babuknb
Re: how to export statistics of table without table structure in oracle 9i
… Addition; C:\>imp help=y Import: Release - Production on Mon Jun 8 18:36:26 2009 Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. You can let Import prompt you for parameters by entering the IMP command followed by …
29 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Mon, 20 April 2009 18:09 «» By: shrinika
… C:\Loader>sqlldr control=case1.ctl userid=scott/tiger@orcl file=case1.ctl log=ca se1.log parallel=TRUE direct=FALSE SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Mon Apr 20 19:03:22 2009 Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights …
30 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Mon, 13 April 2009 09:37 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: Solving Convertible Data
… This is NOT what csscan says. It says "convertible". C:\>exp help=y Export: Release - Production on Lun. Avr. 13 16:35:38 2009 Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. You can let Export prompt …
31 Forum: Forms «» Posted on: Mon, 30 March 2009 04:51 «» By:
how to run form 10g
…question is how to run form in developer suit i was using developer 6I now i want to run my module to developer suit 10g first i install developer suit 10g then database 10g and make a simple module of emp table now when i run its give me error …
32 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Mon, 24 November 2008 11:51 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: exporting partition tables
…C:\>exp help=y Export: Release - Production on Lun. Nov. 24 18:50:47 2008 Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. You can let Export prompt you for parameters by entering the EXP command followed by your …
33 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Sat, 08 November 2008 09:24 «» By: gauravsunil
Re: SQL*Loader
…the query in iSQL plus terminal, sqlldr USERID=scott/tiger CONTROL=ulcase1.ctl LOG=ulcase1.log I am getting the following exception: SP2-0851: Command beginning "sqlldr USE..." is not available in iSQL*Plus Please advise me …
34 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Wed, 22 October 2008 01:44 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: Imp
…C:\>imp help=y Import: Release - Production on Wed Oct 22 08:44:19 2008 Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. You can let Import prompt you for parameters by entering the IMP command followed by your username/…
35 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Tue, 23 September 2008 03:51 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: Exports
…1/ Export is NOT a backup strategy. 2/ C:\Oracle\ora102\RDBMS\ADMIN>exp help=y Export: Release - Production on Tue Sep 23 10:51:13 2008 Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. You can let Export prompt you …
36 Forum: Forms «» Posted on: Tue, 26 August 2008 09:21 «» By: mudabbir
Re: RUN_REPORT_OBJECT is not working, Please Help.
…T_PARAMETER, 'YES'); add_parameter(p,'PARAMFORM',text_PARAMETER,'NO'); web.show_document ('/reports/rwservlet?destype=CACHE&desformat=PDF&report=<Path of RDF file>&userid=scott/tiger@orcl&p_internalno=<Field1>'); END…
37 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Fri, 11 July 2008 10:36 «» By: BlackSwan
Re: How to overwrite Functions/ Procedures using expdp
… ]$ impdp -help Import: Release - 64bit Production on Friday, 11 July, 2008 8:33:45 Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. The Data Pump Import utility provides a mechanism for transferring data objects between …
38 Forum: Forms «» Posted on: Wed, 25 June 2008 08:39 «» By: mred
Forms Services Installation Problem
…ocal:8889/forms/frmservlet?form=test.fmx&userid=scott/tiger&otherparams=useSDI=yes&lookAndFeel=ora cle&colorScheme=blue. Can anyone help? What am I missing? Additional information. Operating System: Windows XP Internet …
39 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2008 10:36 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: [SQL*Loader] Problems handing over connect string
…:\app\Barbara\product\11.1.0\db_1\BIN\SQLLDR USERID=scott/tiger@orcl CONTROL="c:\oracle11g\test.ctl" LOG="c:\oracle11g\test.log" DATA="c:\oracle11g\test.dat" SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Wed May 7 08:30:…
40 Forum: Forms «» Posted on: Mon, 21 April 2008 07:50 «» By: mm2236
…\oraprojects\DoubleEntryApp\Register.fmx&userid=SCOTT/TIGER@ali& buffer_records=NO&debug_messages=NO&array=YES&query_only=NO&quiet=NO&RENDER=YES I want ask a question that how can i remove this information and just see the…
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